- The organization Chair, vice-chairs and members were updated. (from August 2024)
- New observation sites (OM1, OM2) information added (May 24, 2023)
- New observation site YNF information added (March 10, 2022)
About JapanFlux
Research on fluxes of momentum, energy, and materials over terrestrial ecosystems has a long history. Since 1990, CO2flux has become one of the major focuses of long-term ecosystem monitoring in various ecosystems aiming at understanding the roles of terrestrial ecosystems in the context of global carbon cycling. In Europe, EUROFLUX (current CarboEurope) project kicked off in 1996, followed byAmeriFluxin USA in 1997. Based on these movements, a global-scale monitoring network,FLUXNEThad been established.
In Asia,AsiaFluxhas been active in organizing workshops, training courses, and publishing newsletters as one of regional networks ofFLUXNETsince its start in 1999. Following the establishment of national networks in China and Korea, JapanFlux was established in Japan in 2006. JapanFlux is a network of scientists who belong to research groups that are involved in flux-related studies. JapanFlux welcomes scientists who are interested in field-based measurements, ecological modeling, watershed hydrology, or remote sensing. Detailed information on JapanFlux monitoring sites can be found at AsiaFlux web site, and the flux observation data are made available online for public use throughAsiaFlux Database.
Activities of JapanFlux Japanese scientists have been operating many flux monitoring sites in Japan and other countries, and have been leading the research in this field in Asia. Research topics pursued by JapanFlux scientists are expanding to a wide range of subjects such as:- quantification and characteristics of variability of carbon balance at individual sites, integrated analysis based on data from multiple sites, flux evaluation over large areas incorporating remote sensing techniques, parameterization and validation of ecosystem carbon cycling models, integrated observation (super-site observation) through multi(or inter)-disciplinary approach. Activities of JapanFlux are focused on the following three purposes.
Gathering, synthesizing, and publishing the research results by Japanese flux scientists
Serving as the Japanese interface for tower monitoring and related research activities in Japan
Promoting communication and cooperation between scientists and exploring the possibilities of collaborative research
Some of JapanFlux's current activities include hosting organized sessions during various scientific conferences and promoting information exchanging through a mailing list. One of the long- term international collaborative project was "CarboEastAsia (2007-2012): Capacity building among ChinaFlux, JapanFlux and KoFlux to cope with climate change protocols by synthesizing measurement, theory and modeling in quantifying and understanding of carbon fluxes and storages in East Asia" in collaboration withChinaFlux(China) andKoFlux(South Korea). In addition, JapanFlux is promoting collaborative studies with other research networks such as Japan Long-Term Ecological Research Network (JaLTER), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC).
Office for Terrestrial Monitoring, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8506 Japan
JapanFlux manages a mailing list to distribute information on domestic and international events, event reports, and job postings and to promote communication among subscribers. If you desire to subscribe to JapanFlux mailing list, please fill in your e-mail address in the following box and ress "Submit" button.
*Note: language used in JapanFlux mailing list is mainly in JAPANESE.
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